Mac Mail Settings For Instant Email Receipt

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  4. Mac Mail Settings For Instant Email Receipt Template

Mail User Guide

If you don’t want to receive email messages from a specific person or group, you can block them. If you change your mind later, you can easily unblock them.

Block senders

  1. In the Mail app on your Mac, select a message from the sender you want to block.

  2. Move the pointer next to their name in the message header, click the arrow, then choose Block Contact.

    The Blocked icon appears next to the sender’s name in the message list and a banner is added to their messages to indicate they’re blocked. The banner also provides a link to the Blocked pane in Mail preferences where you can manage blocked senders.

Mac Mail Settings For Instant Email Receipt Login

Cyber criminals behind the 'Apple Email Virus' scam make it appear as if an email has been received from Apple. According to the message, the recipient's Apple ID was used to make a purchase from the Apple Store using a device that had not been previously associated with the ID. Open Settings and tap “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”, then tap “Fetch New Data”. Choose the “Advanced” option to see a list of mail accounts configured with Mail app in iOS and to see if they are using Push, Fetch, or Manual. In this screenshot, Gmail is using “Fetch” and therefore will be able to get email faster by altering the.

You can also add senders directly to the list of blocked senders. Choose Mail > Preferences, click Junk Mail, then click Blocked.

Unblock senders

  1. In the Mail app on your Mac, select a message from the sender you want to unblock.

  2. Move the pointer next to their name in the message header, click the arrow, then choose Unblock Contact.

You can also remove senders directly from the list of blocked senders. Choose Mail > Preferences, click Junk Mail, then click Blocked.

See alsoMute email conversations in Mail on MacUnsubscribe from mailing lists in Mail on MacMark emails as read or unread in Mail on MacUse Smart Mailboxes in Mail on Mac

Which SMTP Port Should I Use: Port 25, 465, 587 or 2525?

People configuring an app or mail system to send (or relay) email often have a common question: “What SMTP port should I use?” You might see information that tells you to use ports 25, 465, 587, or 2525 for SMTP relay. So, which of these should be your standard SMTP port? Here’s what you need to know, and why.

What is an SMTP port?

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the basic standard that mail servers use to send email to one another across the internet. SMTP is also used by applications such as Apple Mail or Outlook to upload emails to mail servers that then relay them to other mail servers. (On the other hand, mail apps typically rely on other standards such as IMAP or POP3 to retrieve emails from servers.)

Like other Internet services such as web sites, SMTP email relies on domain names and Internet addresses to know where to send messages. All of us today are familiar with the textual version of these addresses, like Most of us know that the text address stands in for a numeric IP address like But not as many of us know that these network addresses also include specific “port numbers.” An “SMTP port” refers to the specific part of the Internet address that’s used to transfer email.

The web and HTTP use port number 80. For email and SMTP, that port number is… well, it depends.

How can you find out what your SMTP port is?

If you are subscribed to a hosted email relay service you can get the SMTP server hostname and port number from the support page of your email service.

If you run your own SMTP server you can find the configured SMTP port number and address from the SMTP server configuration. In PowerMTA you can find that information from the configured “smtp-listener” directive within the config file. The config file can be found in /etc/pmta/config on a Linux server and C:pmtaconfig.dat on Windows Server.

Which port should you use for SMTP?

Ports 25, 465, 587, or 2525 for SMTP have all been considered standard SMTP ports at some point, but only 587 or 2525 really should be considered for modern use.

If you’re configuring your systems to use SparkPost as an SMTP relay, you should use port 587 as your standard SMTP port, with 2525 as an alternate in case port 587 is not available.

I’ll explain why as we run through the different ports commonly used for sending email today.

Port 25: The original standard SMTP port

Port 25 is the original standard SMTP port. Today, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), the group responsible for maintaining the internet addressing scheme, still recognizes port 25 as the standard, default SMTP port. SMTP was designated to use port 25 in IETF Request For Comments (RFC) 821. But in practicality, it’s not as simple as it seems.

Although port 25 continues to be used for server-to-server SMTP relaying, most modern SMTP clients should not be configured to use this port, because port 25 is usually blocked by residential ISPs and business cloud hosting providers alike.

Why is port 25 usually blocked? How can you check if it is?

Port 25 is blocked on many networks to curb the amount of spam that is relayed from compromised computers or servers. Unless you’re specifically managing a mail server, you should have no traffic traversing this port on your computer or server.

To check if port 25 is blocked by an ISP:

  1. If you are using Windows, open up your command prompt. If you are using a Mac, open up your Terminal. And, if you are using Linux, open up your Terminal emulator.
  2. Type the following command: telnet 25

If port 25 is not blocked, you should receive a message like this one:
If you receive a message similar to the one below, port 25 is likely blocked:

When would you use port 25?

Mac Mail Settings For Instant Email Receipt App


Port 25 is the default port for relaying email on the internet. However, you can specify any port number (Provided it is within the acceptable range of custom port numbers) for submitting emails to your SMTP server.

There are special cases when you must use port 25 on your SMTP server. One of such cases is to receive out of band/asynchronous bounces. This kind of bounces happen after the fact. This means the recipient domain accepts a message from your SMTP server but later bounces the message. Out of band bounces are sent asynchronously to the return path (MAIL FROM) address of the original message. The recipient domain will attempt to send these bounces to the MX server of the return path address and on port 25 (Because port 25 is the default port for relaying email on the internet). Another example is to receive FeedBack Loops (FBL).

You can enable port 25 for receiving messages on a PowerMTA server by configuring the “smtp-listener” directive

smtp-listener # listens on port 25 and IP

Port 465: Deprecated and out-of-date SMTP port

Port 465 is no longer an accepted standard for SMTP. However, there are some legacy systems that still use port 465 for SMTP, and some help pages on the internet still suggest port 465 as the recommended setup. Our advice? Don’t do it unless your application absolutely requires it.

IANA initially assigned port 465 for an encrypted version of SMTP called SMTPS. Initially, it was proposed to send emails using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). However, IANA has since reassigned this port for a different use, so it should no longer be used for SMTP. This is why SparkPost does not accept connections on port 465.

Port 587: The standard secure SMTP port

Modern email servers use port 587 for the secure submission of email for delivery. For example, if you use an email client software like Outlook or Apple Mail, it most likely is configured to use this port to send your messages. It’s not just personal email client software, however. Systems that transmit messages to an email delivery service like SparkPost also should be configured to use this port.

All SparkPost customers should use port 587 as default, unless you’re explicitly blocked by your upstream network or hosting provider. Using port 587, coupled with TLS encryption, is the best way to ensure that email is submitted securely and reliably to SparkPost (or nearly any other provider).

Port 2525: A common alternate SMTP port

Port 2525 is not an official SMTP port, and it is not sanctioned by the IETF nor IANA. However, SparkPost and many other email service providers support the use of port 2525 as an alternative to port 587 for SMTP, in the event the above ports are blocked. (One notable example where this is required is for services hosted on Google Compute Engine.) If you’ve tried port 587 but experience connectivity issues, try port 2525. Just like port 587, most implementations that listen on port 2525 also support TLS encryption.

What is an SMTP server?

An SMTP server is a computer that powers the protocol your email client uses when sending, receiving and/or relaying outgoing messages. As part of the process, an SMTP server verifies that a sender is allowed to send through the SMTP and, if the sender is allowed to send and the message is deemed undeliverable, the SMTP server will send it back to the MAIL FROM address. PowerMTA is one of the leading SMTP servers as it allows senders to adopt the latest authentication specifications for sending high volume emails and to comply with new authentication policies.

How to set up your SMTP server


When it comes to setting up an SMTP server there are two options to explore. You can subscribe to a hosted email relay service. SparkPost is a leading provider of email delivery and analytics service. Alternatively, you can setup your “on-premises” SMTP server for more granular control. An example is PowerMTA.

To stand up a PowerMTA server, contact for installation package, license and installation instructions. All PowerMTA configuration is done within the config file which is found in /etc/pmta/config on a Linux server and C:pmtaconfig.dat on Windows Server.

Mac Mail Settings For Instant Email Receipt Online

For a basic configuration of your SMTP server, there are a few considerations and steps to take.

  1. What IP address and port number do you want your SMTP server to receive emails? Port 25 is the default port for email relaying. In PowerMTA you can change this default port number by editing the “smtp-listener” directive in the config file.
  2. You must permit relaying of messages from your email client to your SMTP server. Your SMTP server should NEVER be an open relay. This means you must somehow selectively allow relaying. In PowerMTA there are a few ways to do this.You can authenticate with username and password. PowerMTA supports authentication with either LOGIN, PLAIN or the CRAM-MD5 mechanism for inbound connections. This is configured within the smtp-user and source stanza of the config file. For a user “foo” and password “barbaz”
    You can also selectively allow relaying from a specific IP address or CIDR range. This would be the IP address of your email client.
    You can also set a recipient domain name/address (or pattern) for which PowerMTA will accept email.
  3. Another consideration is if you want to securely relay emails from your email client to your SMTP server (Inbound TLS)? If your answer is yes then you must enable STARTTLS for inbound connections and configure a TLS certificate. In PowerMTA TLS is supported from TLSv1 to TLSv1.3.
  4. Do you want your SMTP server to securely deliver emails to remote servers (Outbound TLS)? In PowerMTA you have the option to use TLS if the remote server supports it or to enforce TLS and drop the connection if TLS is not supported by the remote server.
  5. Set the IP address and hostname from which your SMTP server is to initiate outgoing SMTP connections. In PowerMTA this is set with the smtp-source-host directive.
  6. Finally, one very unique feature of PowerMTA is the ability to separate your mail stream by building a multi-homed host. The VirtualMTA technology in PowerMTA allows users to define and control the source IP address, hostname and message delivery parameters for each mail stream. This allows for creating separate and specific campaigns, customers or departments, while still running just one instance of PowerMTA.

When the basic setup is completed you can submit messages to your SMTP server configured hostname/IP and port number ( in example above ) and depending on how you permit email submission authenticate with the configured username (foo) and password (barbaz).

Learn More


In summary, SMTP port 587 is the best choice for nearly every use case for connecting to SparkPost and other email delivery services.

I hope this information helped you learn a little more about which SMTP port to use! Want to learn more about using SMTP? Here are instructions for configuring SparkPost for SMTP relay and email delivery, the differences between SMTP and API message transmission, andtroubleshooting your SMTP connection to SparkPost.

Mac Mail Settings For Instant Email Receipt Template

~ Lade